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Accommodation options are diverse and vary according to the destination chosen.
The most common types of accommodation are: homestays, student residences, shared apartments, hotels, hostels, lodges and bed & breakfasts.
For students, the most popular types of accommodation are homestays, student residences and shared apartments.
For backpackers, the best options are hostels, lodges and Bed & Breakfasts.
For tourists and travelers in general, we offer a wide range of hotels, where through our website you can compare prices and services, see photos, make reservations and pay for hotels all over the world.

Homestays are known abroad as homestays.
Many families abroad welcome international students.
Staying with a host family allows you to practice the language you are learning in a familiar environment, get to know the local routine and culture better and, above all, make new friends.
Meals may or may not be included.
When meals are included, the options are: breakfast only, breakfast, lunch and dinner, or breakfast and dinner.
Rooms can be single or double, which are usually only available if the student is traveling with someone.
Couples are usually accepted.

Homestays are no more than 45 minutes away from the school by public transport.
This type of accommodation is usually organized by the school itself and is available to students of all ages.
For the family selection process, the student fills out a questionnaire with several personal questions about their preferences, such as: age, hobbies, leisure, favorite foods, allergies, special care or requests, etc.
The aim is to identify a family with a profile as similar as possible to the student.
Homestay fees are charged per week or per month.
The school also charges a service fee for the homestay placement.

There are student residence options located within university campuses and others that are independent.
The format of the halls of residence can vary according to the institution, but most have single or shared rooms, and other shared facilities such as a kitchen, TV room, bathroom and laundry.
Some residences offer the option of a bathroom in the room.
Residences may or may not be separated by gender.
In some cases, there are meal programs that can be included, but most residences do not offer meals.
This type of accommodation is one of the best options for those looking for a young environment with greater independence.
Other advantages include getting to know different cultures, practicing the language in a young and informal way, and making friends from all over the world.

Depending on the country, this type of accommodation is available both for students who are still in Brazil and especially for students who are already abroad.
The format of these apartments is similar to ours in Brazil, three-storey buildings with one, two, three or more bedrooms, a living room, bathroom and kitchen.
We’re referring to apartments, but houses can also be shared.
The location can obviously vary a lot, but generally the most popular options are near beaches, in city centers, or near schools.
Many apartments are rented furnished.
The number of people living in the apartment will depend on the decision of the person responsible for the apartment, in this case the person whose name is on the lease.
For example: in a 2-bedroom apartment, 2, 3 or 4 students can live.
If there are 2 students, each will have their own room, i.e. a single room.
Obviously, you pay a bit more for this, as the entire rent of the apartment will be shared by just two.
If 4 students live in the same apartment, each 2 students will have a room.
In this case, the room is a double room and you pay less because the rent will be shared by 4 students.
The person in charge of the apartment decides this.
One of the advantages of this type of accommodation is that the student has more freedom in their actions, feeling like they are actually in a residential environment.
Other advantages are the friendships made with students from all over the world and the need to practice the language, since the student will be living with other foreigners.

You can find many advertisements for this type of accommodation in cafés, on school bulletin boards and on specific Share Accommodation pages in newspapers.
It is the student’s responsibility to determine their own criteria when choosing the accommodation they are going to share, location, structure and to find out more about the people they are going to live with.
We believe that this type of perception and initiative is part of the process of maturity and responsibility that students will develop through an exchange.
It should be noted that the schools do not inspect this accommodation and cannot interfere in any way.

Abroad there is also a kind of security deposit, known as a Bond, which must be paid by the residents of the apartment before occupying it.
The Bond is a security deposit of 4 weeks’ rent, which is refunded once the property or room has been vacated.
It is a guarantee that when the student moves out, they will hand over the room they have occupied in the same state of repair as they found it and that the person responsible for the apartment will be notified of their move at least 4 weeks in advance.
The student who is moving out must also, within this period, try to find someone to replace them.
This is also the amount of the deposit that the person responsible for the apartment pays to the real estate agency when they rent the property.
The deposit is refunded in full when the student vacates the room or the property with proof of the same state of repair and at least 4 weeks’ notice.

A wide range of hotels is available on our website.
They come in different categories, prices and locations.
The options are endless.
It is always advisable to book in advance, especially during the high season.
At these times, hotels tend to be partially booked, with at least 90% full.
As a result, the remaining vacancies increase considerably.
Almost all hotels accept credit cards for payment.
Some hotels only ask for the card as a guarantee of the reservation and don’t charge cancellation fees.
Other hotels may already charge the full amount on the card.
Procedures must be carried out in accordance with the policies and rules of each hotel.
Reservations can be made directly on our website.
In the search engines on our site you can see photos of the hotels, maps with their locations, listen to reviews and ratings of the hotels, make reservations, among other information.
In other words, all hotel quotations, reservations and sales are made via the system directly on our website.

A hostel is a more economical type of accommodation that offers excellent value for money.
It’s a great option for those who want to stay for a short time or even a longer period, but spend little.
Hostel prices can be calculated per day, week or month.
Rooms can be single or shared, with private or shared bathrooms.
Guests can use the kitchen, TV room, games room and other areas that are accessible to everyone.
This is one of the best accommodation options for those who want to meet people from all over the world and make new friends.

Another option for temporary accommodation is B&B (Bed & Breakfast).
The rooms are located in private homes and include a single room and breakfast.
A private bathroom may or may not be included.
B&B accommodation can be of various types: a modern townhouse, a rural farmhouse or a house near the beach.
Most houses are registered with a professional Bed and Breakfast association.

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